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The One Question you Should Never Ask in a Psychic Reading

The One Question you Should Never Ask in a Psychic Reading

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 27th Feb 2021

One of the big reasons that people often book in for a psychic reading is that they have a dilemma, or a decision that they are struggling with. 

Psychic Readings can be brilliant to help illuminate solutions to problems, and to help you to clearly see all the different angles & aspects of a situation, including some that perhaps you hadn't thought of. It's a great way to find answers & solutions, and to help you make important life decisions.

But there is one thing that I always advise people against in this type of reading - and that is asking the psychic what they think you should do.

But why is that? 

Well for starters, psychic readings are not an exact science so it would be unfair to put that sort of burden of responsibility onto the person doing the reading, but there is much more to this issue than just that.

The Filter of the Mind

Something that many people don't know about how psychics work, is that when you conduct a reading for somebody, you have to use your mind to do it. The mind is a link in the chain, a part of the complex communication system that allows you to discern the messages from spirit or from the the higher realms through the medium of clairvoyance, tarot cards, runes or whatever tools you might be using.  

With the best will in the world, the message is still going to be filtered through the mind and consciousness of the psychic doing the reading, so there's a very good chance that the information will be coloured, at least a little bit by their own personal opinions. 

Unfortunately, it's unavoidable. It's very difficult to be a totally clear channel for spirit or for psychic information, so when you get a reading, you have to be clear that it will not be pure information from a higher realm, because we're not at a vibration where we can do that just yet. The psychic should be doing their best to keep their opinions out of it, but we are humans so some of our personality & beliefs still may creep in. You are not conversing directly with God, and your psychic isn't infallible and all-knowing. We are just people doing the best job we can.

You can ask them for their opinion, but do remember that their personal thoughts on what might be the right thing for you to do in that situation may not ultimately be the right thing for you, and this brings me on to my next point:

It's YOUR life

At the end of the day, this is your life, your choice and it's up to you to make your own decision. 

There is no magic scroll, up on a cloud that has all the "right answers" for you in life. I'm aware that there is a very out-dated idea that psychics are somehow an all-seeing oracle that has access to this magic source of all decision-making-truth, but we don't - because it doesn't exist!

The world we live in is a free-will zone, and by that I mean that we all have free will to make our own choices, decisions and to select our next experience. 

Advice can certainly be helpful in any number of situations, but as adults we should never be looking to another person to actually make those important decisions for us. 

One of the biggest lessons in this lifetime is personal responsibility.  We effectively abdicate that task when we ask another person to make a decision for us, regardless of who they are. It's important not only for our emotional maturity but also our spiritual growth that we take full responsibility for our lives, our actions and our choices. It's also extremely empowering to accept full responsibility for everything that happens to us. Knowing that you are in charge of your life puts you in the right vibration to be better able to manifest what you actually want.

Your psychic certainly could make a decision for you, but it's simply not their place to do so. It's your life and as a sovereign being, it should always be for you to decide which option to pick or which path you want to choose.

It's tempting to think that another person, perhaps with more advanced psychic ability, or who appears to be somehow superior or more learned than us would make a better decision than we could about our future, but that's really not so and that's also not the point either. 

How would we ever complete all our soul's chosen tasks and experiences in this lifetime if we are forever asking somebody else to make our choices for us? Making our own decisions and learning from experience is the point of the exercise! 

The Future is NOT Set in Stone

People have sometimes argued that they want to know what the psychic thinks they should do on the grounds that surely the psychic doing the reading has a better overview of the situation and can make a more informed choice than you can. Again, I would disagree, not least because they are not you and cannot fully feel all your feelings and know all of your past experiences as clearly as you do, but also because the future is  not set in stone.

The future is malleable and changes based on decisions that each one of us makes. This is one of the reasons that it can be so 0hard to predict certain events with accuracy - because there can be so many different factors involved. 

Our decisions and choices about what to do, how to feel and what we choose to believe have an enormous impact on the outcomes in our lives. I feel that can't be stressed strongly enough.

We are far more empowered in our lives than we realise, and in the past few decades, people have started to wake up to that fact more and more. We are coming out of an old energy, a masculine, restrictive energy right now, and part of that old paradigm was that we were far less empowered in our choices and life decisions, and we did look to those we considered superior to make some of those important decisions for us. That used to work, to a point, but the new energy we are moving into no longer supports that sort of dogma or structure.

The new energy of the new age we are moving into demands an individual approach. It requires us to take responsibility for our actions and our decisions, and brings the opportunity for us to empower ourselves on every level to embody the full potential of the incredible spiritual beings that humans truly are. And that is not compatible with giving our power away by asking another person or entity to make our decisions!

The future is yours to create.

Guidance in the form of a psychic reading can indeed bring many new dimensions to consider, or even help to affirm what you already believe or suspect, but it should never replace the decision making process, only complement it.

Your future hasn't been decided yet, and you have the opportunity right now to start afresh, to take a new direction if you want to, and learn how to manifest your best life. It's not for anybody else to tell you what to do.

It's your life, and it's your choice. Enjoy it!
