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Your Guide to the Festive Season - 25th Dec - 1st Jan 2022

Your Guide to the Festive Season - 25th Dec - 1st Jan 2022

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 24th Dec 2021

Christmas can be a stressful time, especially this year with everything going on so I wanted to bring you some energy predictions for the holiday season.

Let’s look at the next 8 days which will take us up to the new year. This should give you an idea of the potential energy for each day and what activities to avoid, and what may work well on each day and what sort of things may happen.

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Saturday Christmas Day – 25th December

Cards: 18. Shadow (Moon in a traditional tarot deck) & Solitude

There’s a real feeling of aloneness this Christmas day, which is understandable in some ways as many people are unable to travel or spend time with loved ones for various reasons this year. I know that many people have reported not really feeling this holiday spirit this year, and this feels very much accentuated on Christmas Day itself, There is a very deep sadness, and I think some people will be feeling very sore and unhappy with family members or friends that they have had disagreements with about holiday arrangements, or who feel excluded and alone. Make sure you contact people you know will be all alone on this day because it will be an extra hard one for some. Send a message, send an email, make a call – it matters.

The positive aspect here is that it does bring to light some rifts and relationship issues that need to be resolved, although we should be careful not to think the worst of people and assume that the relationship is over just because we’ve had a falling out.

For those spending time with loved ones it still feels quiet, and there is a sense of feeling alone in the crowd, so don’t be surprised if you don’t feel able to connect to well with others today. It’s just a tough day, and the impulse may be to withdrawn and spend time alone. If that’s how you feel, go with it. Spend some time meditating, contemplating or just resting if you need to. There’s a lot of pressure for Christmas to be a time of joyful gatherings, but it really doesn’t have to be.

Sunday 26th December – Boxing Day

Cards: 10. Destiny (Wheel of Fortune) & Tree Wisdom

This actually feels like quite an insightful day, new options and opportunities may show up for you in matters of work or you may find that you make a decision to make a big change of direction. It’s certainly a day that challenges us to reassess our options, and look at what is and isn’t working in our lives.

Also I want to say expect the unexpected – there may be sudden and unexpected arguments or conversely reconciliations on the 26th because the energy is one of shifts and transformation guided by wisdom and there’s an element of following our destiny or our true path in there too.

Some relationships are not good for us, and just because you’ve known somebody for a long time, or are related to them, does not mean that they are good for you or deserve to be a part of your life.

Monday 27th December 

Cards: 12. Sacrifice (Hanged Man) & Precious Time

I love how these cards have come out together – before I pulled these, I was tuning into the energy of the day and the words I got were “a feeling of drudgery” for this day. If you’re working on the 27th it may literally feel like you’re wasting your time, going through the motions, slogging along. It’s not a fun energy so don’t worry if you find yourself feeling particularly low.

Try to use your time wisely whether you’re working or not because your intuition may actually be pretty high. There is a real potential for wisdom and insight if you can listen to your intuition or pay attention to your higher wisdom today. You might even like to pull out your own cards and do a reading for 2022 today because that may help you to feel more positive and focussed.

So all in all, not a great day, the energy is a bit slow and sticky, and it may feel like you’re moving in slow motion, like you’re walking through glue and there may be some depression or low feelings too, but remember this will pass, and make sure you’re paying attention for any messages from your angels or spirit guides.

Tuesday 28th December

Cards: 4. Authority (the Emperor) & Fairy Spotting

It’s an interest blend of energies today, but the 28th feels much more structured and I feel you won’t have that same feeling of swimming against the tide as on Monday. This is a day to get things done, and it has an organised feeling to it but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to work or study today. It’s a day of pleasing yourself but in positive and helpful ways and you may feel content with whatever you’re doing even if it isn’t technically a productive activity. It doesn’t have to be. It feels like Tuesday brings an opportunity to do something that you want to do and you will either be able to drawn a boundary to stop others monopolising your time, or you will literally find your schedule allowing you to do things for yourself.

This feels like s quieter day and may be particularly nice if you’re spending it with close family, just your nearest and dearest, so your spouse, children or your pets. It’s a much gentler day and will probably bring some welcome relief after the past three!

This is a lovely day for walking in the woods but also for art and craft projects too so see what takes your fancy.

Wednesday 29th December

Cards: 1. Love Begins (Ace of Cups) – Manifestation

Vision boards at the ready! I’m seeing a very strong sign from the universe to do some manifesting work today! Maybe spend some time rewriting your goals for the next few years, if you use positive affirmations, revisit them and make sure they are still aligned with what you actually want – remember your wants and desires will evolve over time and you don’t have to want today what you wanted yesterday. It’s ok, you can choose something new!

If you need some help with your manifesting work, remember to check out my book Dream Bigger – How the Law of Attraction really Works which is available from Amazon. I’ll link to it below.

It’s certainly a day with a strong magical potential and I would say a positive day for spell work or spiritual healing if you practise either of those, or just reading spiritual or religious texts or learning something new about your own spirituality. As the energy is much more hopeful and forward thinking today, I think you may find colleagues at work more helpful and possibly new ideas being discussed, and this is a day where people at work or in your family or friendship circle who have fallen out or have been arguing may finally decide to bury the hatchet and start afresh.

There is also a possibility or reuniting with an old flame or rekindling a relationship today, so keep an eye out to see who turns up in your DMs...

Thursday 30th December

Cards: 5. Obstacles & Challenges (5 of Wands) – Wish Wisely

Thursday is going to feel a lot less carefree, but don’t let that put you off from the plans or ideas you might have come up with in your daydreams on Wednesday. The saying “learn to rest not to quit” comes to mind. You don’t have to throw in the towel or give up on your plans just because you have a bad day or because things don’t seem to be going as planned.

It might feel like a bit of a fall from grace after Wednesday’s uplifting energy, like a face plant in the mud, but don’t be deterred and don’t make the mistake of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Choose your thoughts carefully and be careful what you wish for because there is a lot of turbulent emotional energy flying around today which will make it very easy to manifest annoying things you don’t want. Try to stay calm and lean into your spirituality to find peace if colleagues, friends or family are annoying you with their trifles or silly arguments!

Meditation, prayer or some sort of spiritual practise is very much advised to get you through Thursday in one piece!

Friday 31st December – New Year’s Eve

Cards: 6. Harmony (The Lovers) – Shine from Within

My guides are telling me that this year is gonna go out with a BANG! One way or another, we will notice December 31st 2021, and I feel it may be memorable in some specific way, whether for a personal reason, or something of note happening on the national or international stage today.

These cards may look very romantic, but they are not necessarily talking about love and relationships. The theme today is shining your heart’s true light and being fully seen by your partner, family, loved ones, place of work or community. It feels like a day where authenticity is demanded of us, and you may need to stand up for what you believe in. A choice may need to be made, and quickly.

The energy today will require us to think with our hearts not just the head, so I’d recommend wearing pink or green colours to help support the heart chakra and give you strength to do what you need to do today.

I feel that decisions made today or ideas hatched may come to fruition in spring time, and even if you have a falling out, an argument or something happens at work, like getting laid off or retiring, it will turn out for the best no matter if it feels uncomfortable. New beginnings are hard, but in order to enjoy the blossoms and the fruit, we must first plant the seed and wait.

Saturday January 1st 2022

Cards: 8. Accelerated Motion (8 Wands) – 2. Sacral Chakra – 20. Truth (Judgement) – Believe in Magic

Welcome to the year of extreme emotions! You thought 2021 was interesting? You aint seen nothing yet.

Somehow I ended up with 4 cards for today, and I think that the energy of this first day of the new year will actually be quite complex. There’s a lot going on energetically, and not least because a big portion of the world just switched to a new numerological year. I think it’s quite appropriate that we have a number 2 card and a number 20 card in the mix here – number 2 is a number of emotion, of polarity, extremes, and when it’s out of balance which the world’s energy most certainly is right now, it can be one hell of a ride.

The rollercoaster energy is foretold by our first card, which speaks to me of life feeling as though you’re on fast forward. Plans you made coming to fruition sooner than expected, things falling into place before you perhaps feel ready to make a change!

2022 is going to be a year of manifesting on fast forward, so watch your thoughts and remember to guard your energy from day one. You matter and your choices and opinions matter too. There is a real energy of equality and individuality coming through to me, which feels very Aquarian in nature. We will have the opportunity to take our own decisions, but we must be prepared to live with the consequences because no one will be there to catch us. Deception, control, blame and victimhood will not be tolerated in the energy of this new year, so be very sure about your choices and decisions. Forget new year’s resolutions, I feel that the universe might write them in stone and hold you to some of them this year, so be very careful what you wish for!

Now that may all sound very ominous, but the energy I’m being shown is actually very fair, and it’s no bad thing for people to reap what they have sown. That’s how we learn and how we get our just desserts. There is a sense of justice and balance in the universe this year, and we will be held to account so we are required to show up as our full authentic selves and not lie to others, or to ourselves.

Coercion or manipulation of others just won’t wash this year, as the new Aquarian energy washes over all of us.

Do spend some time reviewing the dreams or ideas you came up with on 29th and flesh some of those out and spend some time imagining what your dreams could look like if they came true in unexpected and wonderful ways. What previously may have seemed impossible may well not only be possibly but likely this year, so stay positive for the future, and remember to stay grateful and count your blessings. 


Card Decks used for this reading:

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay:

The Psychic Tarot by John Holland:
