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Why you may be Struggling to Manifest Money & Abundance

Why you may be Struggling to Manifest Money & Abundance

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 15th Apr 2021

The theme of abundance & manifesting money is a very important and useful one for most of us. I want to address something today that may be blocking you from manifesting the abundance you want, but you might not have noticed.

One thing I've learned when working with the Law of Attraction, is that we don't necessarily attract what we want - we attract what we believe is possible. The resistance caused by our limiting beliefs about what we can achieve or receive is certainly a big factor, but that isn't what I want to talk about today. I want to troubleshoot another aspect of resistance to abundance - beliefs about how the money or abundance should arrive.

If it wasn't bad enough that we already limit ourselves based on beliefs about what is possible, we have a habit of adding caveats as to how the money should arrive which creates even more of a blockage, even more resistance.

When confronted with this reality, many of us start out by saying "Well that's ridiculous, I don't care how the money arrives, I will be happy to accept it!" But is that really true? Chances are it's not, and that you actually do have some very deep rooted beliefs about how money should or should not come to you, or how it's acceptable to receive or make money. 

Don't believe me? Pay close attention to your thoughts & automatic responses when the subject of money comes up, and you will start to spot these.

One good example is people who refuse to let others give them money or things that they want or need. A stout refusal to let anyone else buy things for you, in particular high ticket items, is an immediate flag that there is some resistance to receiving, and that resistance will in turn, be stopping you receiving all sorts of things - including money.

It might seem noble to be fiercely independent, but at the end of the day when it comes to manifesting, working with abundance and co-creating with the universe that pride or independence can form some severe bottle-necks to the flow of energy. The universe will work with whatever is available, easy & believable for you.

What are your limiting beliefs about How money should come to you?

So let's take a moment to check your beliefs about money. 

How many of these following sentences do you agree with? How many do you disagree with? How many make you angry or provoke an emotional response? 

- If I want extra money, I have to work overtime

- People who make more than £100,000 a year are greedy

- I don't like people to help me financially

- I am uncomfortable with people buying things for me

- I will only ever be a millionaire if I win the lottery

- People who claim benefits/welfare are lazy or deserving of contempt

- Getting lots of money requires lots of hard work 

- If you make money easily, you're probably dishonest or doing something bad

Now this is far from an exhaustive list of the beliefs that may be embedded in your subconscious, but these are some very common ones. 

How many did you recognise as making up your thoughts & beliefs about money? Be honest! 

Radical self-honesty and self-reflection are absolutely crucial if you hope to chase away these abundance blocks and receive the money you want and deserve. If you deny them, ignore them or pretend they're not there, you are literally cheating yourself out of money!

This isn't an exercise designed to make you feel bad, it's simply to help you identify where there may be unhelpful beliefs blocking the flow of money & abundance to you - and yes, that can feel uncomfortable sometimes, but you deserve to know what they are, so you can do something about them.

Something I want to emphasise here is that it's OK and normal not to be aware of your money & abundance blocks, or blocks causing resistance to anything actually, because most of them exist below the level of the conscious mind in the subconscious. If you ask your conscious mind if you have any beliefs causing resistance to receiving money & abundance, it may well immediately say "no of course not, why on earth wouldn't I want to receive money!" But that is normally only a surface level belief, what your ego believes to be true, and not the actual truth of your beliefs about money which are stored down in the hidden layers of your mind.

With practise, you can learn to spot unhelpful thought patterns & beliefs that pop up from your subconscious when the topic of money, or a lack of it, arise in your daily life.

For example, you may really need some money to pay your bills but be resisting claiming benefits or welfare you are entitled to. This subject in particular can provoke some very strong emotions in many people, and it's worth exploring what your thoughts are about this particular subject and why. That can show you some very important money blocks and help you clear them!

Now, just to clarify, I'm not advocating for people being on welfare, nor am I a socialist, but it's really important to look at this from the bigger picture point of view. I chose this example because it definitely does provoke strong emotions in many people - I think everyone has an opinion on this!

It's important to take a big step back and remember that none of this is real. From a spiritual standpoint, life is basically a big, 3D video game, and money or abundance can come to you in many different forms, via countless avenues. There is no lack of anything, and we shouldn't rule anything out based on pride or a belief about whether it's "ok" with our ego or not, especially if we badly need it to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table! To do that is to presume to tell the universe that you know better than it does, and lo & behold - you've created a money block.

The key here is to remain open to however the abundance comes to us when we have asked for it, as long as it doesn't harm another person, put us into danger or perhaps have abusive strings attached.

The universe is abundant and vast, there is no lack of anything except the lack that we create through our limiting beliefs - which is why we need to smash through those bad boys!

So I challenge you to observe your thoughts, reactions and the words that come out of your mouth to do with money, abundance and finances for the next month and see how many blocks you can spot. You may be surprised by what you discover, but don't beat yourself up - on the contrary, this is an opportunity for growth which will allow you to co-create more abundance, more wealth, more love & share that with many more people in new and wonderful ways.


If you'd like to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how it can help you, Helen's book Dream Bigger: How the Law of Attraction Really Works is available as a downloadable ebook from this site or on Amazon KindleAmazon KindleAmazon Kindle.
