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What is Numerology?

What is Numerology?

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 1st Apr 2021

Numerology, is a very well known and ancient system of divination, but what can it do and how can it really help us in our modern day world? Is there still a place for numerology in the 21st century?

For me personally, I first discovered numerology as a teenager. I was just starting to uncover my own psychic abilities at the time, and became fascinated with anything esoteric or occult, reading every book I could get my hands on - which sadly wasn't many, but numerology soon came up on my radar as a fascinating subject to look into. 

Like many people, I was able to find enough information to work out the numbers corresponding to my name & date of birth, and I read with great interest what qualities that meant I would possess. I was rather disappointed to learn that "my numbers" were 4 and 8, which according to the book I was looking at meant I was going to have a pretty tough life, and would probably struggle financially. Ouch.  

This wasn't the best introduction to the subject, and I was rather put off so instead I took the direction of learning tarot & oracle card reading, mediumship study and spiritual healing, leaving numerology behind.

Numerology hadn't finished we me however, and this past year I found myself inexplicably and irresistibly drawn to study numerology properly and gain a better understanding of the numeric patterns I kept seeing around me.

Numbers are literally everywhere, and in a sense make up our entire universe, after all. 

Numerology actually is a very powerful, ancient and is still a very prominent system that holds the keys to many of the mysteries of our very nature & existence. It's certainly not the simple parlour trick or nonsense many believe it to be, and there are great depths to these mysteries that go beyond certain numbers being "lucky" or "unlucky" for the person associated with them. 

There are many layers to numerology & it's not just as simple as finding out the single digit  number that corresponds to your name or date of birth. The deeper you go, the more you investigate, meditate and learn about numbers, the correspondences, how they work and where the come from, the more information you can glean from the system using your mind and psychic ability too. 

Numerology can open the doors to a wider understanding of not only yourself, but the universe as a whole and the meaning of life itself. It can assist with more fully comprehending what is happening in different areas of your life and provide the tools to plan for the future using numerology as both a guide and a resource for success and happiness.

It may seem a little counterintuitive that numbers - a system we consider to be entirely scientific and mathematical should be so closely linked to esoteric knowledge and spiritual advancement, but when you think about it holistically, all things are connected in the wider picture, so why wouldn't numerology be connected to science? Why wouldn't mathematics have an esoteric quality?

After all, if we consider that all is one, and everything comes from the same source, why wouldn't things we consider separate like spirituality & science be connected after all? In my humble opinion, things we consider supernatural or esoteric are just scientific things we haven't learned how to explain yet, and numerology is no exception. Our ignorance of how these things work does not diminish their power or importance.

I will write more about numerology as I continue my own study of the subject and I'll be publishing some blogs soon about how you can use basic Numerology in very practical, everyday ways.

It may surprise you to learn that Numerology is actually much more popular in this day and age than we realise - it's used by people in positions of power and influence to help in making decisions and leveraging the energy in their favour so why shouldn't you benefit too?
