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Psychic Forecast: 28th March - 3rd April 2022 | Day by Day Tarot Reading Predictions

Psychic Forecast: 28th March - 3rd April 2022 | Day by Day Tarot Reading Predictions

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 28th Mar 2022

Your Psychic Tarot Forecast for week of 28th March to the 3rd April 2022. Your Oracle & Tarot Card reading & predictions for all zodiac signs and the collective!

This week is daring us to be bold, and the new moon in Aries on Friday will present a unique opportunity for positive change.

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Overview – Lots of green coming out for this week’s overview cards! There is a real message of prosperity on the longer term gained from working in harmony with nature and the spiritual world around you, and trusting that you are already on the right path and making the right choices.

The energy from the spirit realms is very loving and supportive, and in particular we are encouraged to look at ritual elements of our life – our prayer, spiritual practise, ritual, spell work, whatever it is that we do to really feel, grow and maintain that connection with the higher aspects of ourselves and with the world around us.

It’s very easy to forget that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and just focus on the smallest and most lowly aspect of the human experience which is the 5 senses, forgetting about all the others or refusing to acknowledge other aspects of the self.

Try to find some time to go outside – yes, there’s that message again! And understand that your true prosperity and wealth comes from a holistic approach to your life, combining all aspects to achieve real growth and success, not just financial success through striving or dominating.

There is a bigger aspect of you that is capable of all this and more, with a lot more ease. Life should be much easier than it currently is for most of us, and if we listen to the nature spirits, to our guides and intuition, we can learn how to live as much more expanded beings with so much less effort. This sense of ease and things coming to us easily and naturally will no longer be restricted to the ruling classes who have known but hidden much of this knowledge for millennia.

Monday – Healing is highlighted this Monday, and the theme of learning about keeping yourself well and in balance may well come up in conversation. It’s a good day to begin a detox, a fast or to start living a more healthy or holistic lifestyle, but there is a deeper message here too.

We are reminded about our spiritual health and the spiritual aspect of us which helps to keep us healthy! Without acknowledging or including our individual spirituality, we are missing an important part of ourselves.

You may be drawn to learn Reiki, spiritual healing, naturopathy or any one of the holistic healing arts today, or to practise them more regularly if you already have one of more of these skills – healer heal thyself! But I feel that there may be an even deeper spiritual edge here as suggested by the second card.

It may be time to really take a deep dive into aspects of health or medicine, or your spiritual wellbeing that you have not previously considered – to really take a look at what works for you, what is genuinely good for you and what isn’t. It could be as simple as asking yourself if you’re grounding enough? Do you need to clear your energy? This could be a darker journey also -especially if you discover information that is not easy or comfortable to accept. It may still be important so try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Remember that there is no rush, and you can take any changes to your diet, lifestyle or spirituality one step at a time – in fact this is the best way to make changes stick.

Tuesday – The cards today are really interesting because they are continuing on our theme of change and true prosperity coming from within rather than outside of your. Tuesday may come in with an actual change to do with money, finance, employment, investments that makes you take a second look at how you’ve been handling your money or what you’ve been doing to generate wealth – or not.

There is also a potent reminder there for those of us working in the spiritual and holistic fields that poverty doesn’t make you holy and if you’re poor or broke all the time, something is probably out of balance in your life and energy, and that needs to be looked at urgently!

Some lucrative opportunities could arise today, but I feel they will be out of the ordinary or non-traditional, so perhaps keep your eye on the crypto markets today – that could be interesting!

This is a season of growth on a spiritual level, and can also be one of financial growth too despite everything going on around us in the world right now. There are forces at work that want us to be poor and struggling, but you don’t have to dance to their tune or do as they bid you.

The 369 energy of the master number comes through strongly from that second card today, so there is a very real possibility of growth and expansion in finances or wealth if you go within and follow that inner wisdom.

I did a numerology video earlier this year talking about the 369 energy and I’ll link that above.

Wednesday – We have some powerful fire and dragon energy coming through for Wednesday! The overarching message today is that sometimes it takes time for results to show, especially when we are beginning a new project or business, perhaps investing in Cryptocurrency or even starting to work with a psychotherapist. Results take time and sometimes it can look as though we are going backwards when we are actually making good progress.

The key is to keep going, even if you aren’t having the best time right now. Good follow through is a rare skill in today’s world where we tend to want instant results and everything right now. We have very much forgotten the art of patience!

But remember that when you plant seeds in a garden, they don’t normally come up within a day, or even two. Sometimes you could be waiting all winter before they show themselves, but show up they will when the time is right.

Good things take time, and when you have taken something of a risk, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a financial investment or being brave enough to begin therapy, it can take some time for that risk to pay off. And the time in between can be very uncomfortable.

Don’t give up right before the miracle occurs! Don’t quit just when you were about to win. Emotional maturity asks us to leave things to mature and not panic today. Patience - the good things are on their way!

Thursday – Thursday comes in with a more stressful energy – this could be quite a day for some people, so be prepared and pack your lunch box for this one! Today’s theme is balance, and it could be a very imbalanced day for some.

We may also see old patterns rearing their heads today – particularly to do with workaholism, doing too much, taking on too much and then blaming others for our burnout. The underlying message is that your balance is your responsibility. There may be a need to forgive yourself for doing too much, or to forgive others that may have taken advantage of your hard work and efforts without stepping up to do their fair share. You may also need to consider that perhaps that was partly your fault.

This is a good day for looking at what you could actually stop doing, what no longer serves you. Where are you taking on too much? What are you doing that you could stop to bring more relaxation or balance into your life? What needs to change?

Don’t fall into the trap of beating yourself up about choices or decisions you made in the past, just look objectively at your life and make a plan to bring more balance and more peace for yourself as time goes on.

Friday – New Moon in Aries There is a real theme of change this week, this is the third 10 card we’ve had so far and that speaks to me of change and new beginnings, but also opportunities to do things differently, from a place of wisdom, having learned some things and grown up a bit.

It’s also interesting to note that we have two number 8 cards today, 8 being the number of longevity, endurance and keeping going. But we also have a message here of taking full responsibility for all aspects of your life right now. It’s a day for honesty and perhaps taking stock of where you are right now, and what part you played in that.

Our spirit guides and angels want us to be very clear about the part we play in our lives, and how our choices and decisions have brought us to where we are today. Unless you are a tiny child, you will have had a huge impact on your own life.

Today’s energy is a hopeful one as we can finally see the end of some situations, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is shining ahead of us, but we must remember that nothing will change if we don’t make changes. If we keep making the same decisions and choices, we will keep getting the same results – and this is true on a personal and national, or international level today.

Do you want to be happy or do you want to just repeat the pattern that you know? Because chances are that patterns could be a painful and destructive one. When the opportunity to make change arises, don’t slap it away in favour of what you already know unless you are 100% completely happy with your life already. Use the opportunity to rise, and do better.

Saturday – More dragon energy coming in this Saturday, but the cards today speak of change and leaving things behind that no longer serve. When you commit to a plan or project, it’s often important to remember that you can’t serve two masters. If you’re trying to make it as a solopreneur or running your own business, it may be time to step away from the full time job or other activities that take up too much of your time, energy and efforts.

Try to focus on one thing, regardless of what your aims are in life and let go of things that you just don’t need any more. Boundaries are also highlighted here – as we become more enlightened and spiritually awakened, we will be more and more aware of how we often do other s disservice by doing too much for them.

Lots of us, especially empaths, especially women do far too much for other people. We try to help, we try to heal others, we can’t to fix other people’s lives so that they can be happy, and we wear ourselves out. But the other side of that coin is that often we are doing those very same people a great disservice by not allowing them to grow or make positive changes of their own so that they can be more empowered, more capable or more in charge of their own lives. And sometimes that means letting people fall. It hurts, but sometimes that’s the only way we learn.

Review who or what puts demands on your energy today, and reassess what you are going to prioritise moving forwards. This will be particularly important as we become more sensitive as the great awakening continues, so make the good choices now.

Sunday – Sunday’s energy comes in with the message to balance the masculine and feminine energies – both are strongly represented in today’s cards with card 11 embrace the masculine, coming in with number 11/2 the energy of wisdom, and 22 the deer, with the numerology of the feet of the goddess in 22/4. This is some potent energy here for creation, bringing more harmony and balance into your life and relationships.

This could be a good day to look at your life honestly and think about what is and isn’t working for you, but also what is missing. What is missing for you? Are you a woman who is trying to live in a man’s world? Are you a man who feels the world is out to put you down or criticise you for being masculine?

Sunday’s energy tells us to get clear about what we want, what we will accept and how we want to live our lives. Other people’s opinions should not matter, and it may be time to turn off the TV or leave Twitter if the meddling of the mainstream opinions is getting too much. You can be diplomatic with others who are repeating what they think they are supposed to say, you don’t have to be mean or unkind, but you’re not required to listen. In fact I’d suggest avoiding conflict by excusing yourself from situations and groups where you no longer feel you belong. Let them argue and bicker amongst themselves until they’re ready to stop. Not everybody is ready for peace and harmony. Some people are enjoying the feeling of believing they are “right” a bit too much. Leave them to it.

I’m also shown our intuition and higher abilities being heightened on Sunday so it’s a good day for spiritual practise, prayer, meditation, manifestation and spell work.

Motivational message – We have a beautiful message from the fairy oracle for this week’s motivation! Remember to shine and enjoy yourself! You won’t get anywhere in life by playing small or by doing things you dislike. Find ways to make life a celebration – there is far too much doom and gloom in the world, people who want to tell you that you’re wrong, bad, evil, that your very existence is unacceptable.

The best rebellion is to live a happy life, celebrate every moment, find the joy and shine your light for others to see.

In the western world right now the amount of judgement in the court of public opinion that we seem to be subjected to, and from all sides, from political or religious factions from academia - it is absolutely insane. It’s like people want to be angry and annoyed all the time, they think they’re not allowed to be at peace, or to be genuinely contented and joyful anymore - it’s now holy to be offended by everything according to some people. It’s very sad to see.

You can’t convince anyone to change how they act or what they think, but you can lead by the example of your own life. Make your life as joyful and beautiful as you can. Make your life a celebration of all things – not a fake one where you put a symbol in your profile picture, but a real celebration of the small things, the everyday achievements, the beauty of a small flower, the calm of the morning sunrise, help yourself to feel peace, joy and lead others by your actions.

Try to remember to show other people kindness and compassion, because the ones who are the most angry, resentful, loud or spiteful are usually the ones who are in the most pain. You can’t fix their lives, but you can make your own life better in beautiful ways, no matter how small they might be.
