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New Moon Reading - 1st April 2022 | New Moon in Aries

New Moon Reading - 1st April 2022 | New Moon in Aries

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 28th Mar 2022

Your psychic reading for the New Moon in Aries on 1st April 2022.

This new moon in Aries brings an interesting opportunity for all the astrological signs, if we heed the message correctly!

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Reading for the New Moon in Aries – Friday 1st April 2022

We have four cards for our reading today, coming in on the number four energy of the month of April. It’s interesting to note that we have a new moon in Aries while the sun is also in Aries.

That’s a lot of Aries, and looking at our first card, that’s also a lot of conflict too. This new moon is not bringing in an easy energy, it’s highlighting things that need to change, where we need to look at the details not just the bigger picture. Like when you have a stone in your shoe – it can be a teeny tiny little stone, but it will feel like a boulder – that’s the energy today. The small things that really get under your skin, and really upset or annoy you are going to be on the agenda to be looked at, whether you like it or not.

Things that you thought you could put up with or ignore, whether it’s in relationships, at work, with family, those tiny issues may actually have very big and important effects on you and your life. And that is not going to be ok.

Unfortunately these are not going to be easy to resolve, even though on the face of it these may have seemed like small compromises. Aries doesn’t really like to compromise, and the fiery energy of the ram will be pushing you to cut out what doesn’t work and discard the things that no longer resonate.

This could be something as small as you no longer allow somebody to borrow something of yours at work, or as big as actually quitting your job, even though you thought you could put up with it. That honest, in your face Aries energy is here to say “what the heck are you doing?”

Decisions and plans made today, or changed today will probably not be very popular with everyone, or possibly with anyone. But the truth isn’t always comfortable or easy for others to accept.

If you have allowed people to take advantage of you, even if it seemed like a small thing or a minor inconvenience, it may feel a lot bigger a more inconvenient now.

Again, the energy of today’s new moon is also pushing us to find out tribe – this is a theme that has come up in the past couple of weeks. ,Find the people that DO understand you, that won’t try to take advantage or at least who won’t be grumpy or disrespectful when you draw a boundary.

I want to bring in the theme of animal guides here too. We all have animal spirit guides as well as human spirit guides ones. Don’t assume that you just have one either! Your animal spirit guides will be stepping forwards trying to help today, in particular if you have a wolf of bear guide. The animals spirits are incredible teachers for us, and they are very good at teaching about who is your tribe, or your pack and who isn’t, and when you should pull back and spend time alone. They don’t take any nonsense and these wild spirits have no problem baring their teeth when somebody oversteps a boundary.

Spend time in meditation in the darkness of the new moon before the first crescent can be seen and connect to your animal spirit guides. They will be instrumental in helping us in this next phase of our spiritual journey and can teach us simple but forgotten lessons that all animals know, but humans tend to forget, or have drummed out of us.

Our final card here is a reminder not to miss out on opportunities just because you’re too busy moping. No, the world isn’t perfect right now, there is conflict, war, discord among people, nations, so much stress, arguing – much of which is pointless and can never reach any sort of compromise.

But despite that, despite everything, you still have a golden opportunity in front of you. In spite of everything happening on the world’s stage, on a local and national level for you, you still have beautiful opportunities, possibilities for joy, for happiness and to help bring that to the world.

We are currently in the time of the great awakening = nobody said this was going to be easy. Did you think it would be a walk in the park? That we’d find ourselves in a nirvana where you could just sit and meditate in peace all day and wait for enlightenment to hit?

Sorry – that’s not the plan.

Our journey here is to awaken to greater truths while we are in this mess. To find peace within ourselves while the entire world around us loses its shit. Step up spiritual warriors – this is what you were born for!

Don’t despair because the world looks a mess! Find the peace, the wisdom and joy inside of you, and live that – the ripple effect from your energy will help others to do the same, and over time we will find ourselves in a world of true peace. It will not come from fighting – you can’t fight for peace, but you can create inner peace to achieve outer peace.

And this beautiful, fiery Aries energy is going to give you a boost towards it.
