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Maneki Neko - The Beckoning Cat

Maneki Neko - The Beckoning Cat

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 19th Aug 2020

Do you know Makneki Neko? You've probably seen his smiling face in your local Chinese restaurant, herbal medicine centre or if you've been lucky enough to travel to Asia, in many shops and businesses waving at customers as they go by.

But who is Maneki Neko, and how can he help us? Well, Maneki Neko helps with money, wealth and abundance.

Contrary to popular opinion, Maneki Neko is actually Japanese, although he's very popular in China.

Maneki Neko Lucky Cats

So the story goes, there was once a shop keeper who had a calico cat that used to sit on the windowsill and reach out and bat people with his paws as they walked past the shop. People would of course stop and marvel at this adorable feline, and as a result the shop became quite popular thanks to their little cat and made more money than their competition.

Maneki Neko translates approximately as beckoning or inviting cat, after the cheeky kitty who used to inadvertently invite customers into the shop.

Some people call him the world's favourite money spell, and although I haven't done the calculation myself I'd guess that's pretty likely!

Being a cat lover, Maneki Neko has always been a favourite of mine, and personally I have 5 of them.

He's suitable for anyone, but particularly helpful to business owners or the self employed. It helps if you know what he does and how to position him for the best results.

Place him facing out of the window in the money corner of your home or premises and let him attract new customers, and help manifest wealth and prosperity for you.

These little waving cats also make a lovely gift for somebody starting up in business or moving to a new premises.
