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It's not fair! Dealing with unfair bills and other blocks to manifesting abundance

It's not fair! Dealing with unfair bills and other blocks to manifesting abundance

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 16th Jun 2021

Manifesting the life you want and the things you want to own, have and experience is a life long journey, and if you've been working with the law of attraction for any length of time, you will have realised that it's not something you learn once, then become immediately proficient with.

Learning how to manifest what you want, and working with the universal energy has another side too - it helps us to grow because it highlights things within ourselves that are unhealed. 

The other day I was pondering how to improve my ability to manifest money & financial abundance because I found myself up against a block that seemed immovable. Unfair bills. 

I don't think any of us enjoy paying most bills, but you can make your peace with paying for your rent, gas, electricity, mobile phone and so on, because it's easy to see the direct benefit you derive from paying them, which enables you to move to place a gratitude.

But what about unfair bills? What about taxes or fees you don't agree with or think have been unfairly levied?

Those sorts of bills represent a much bigger challenge, because there is often very little, if anything to be grateful about, so it requires a different approach.

The difficulty here is that our ego likes to jump up and down and complain about how unfair things are when we are presented with a demand for money that we consider to be unreasonable or unwarranted, in particular if we don't have the ability to dispute it or avoid paying it.

This will inevitably cause resistance to manifesting or keeping the money we want, so how best to deal with this situation? 

It's not an easy one, and I was struggling to find an answer for myself so I reached for my copy of A Course in Miracles, one of my favourite books of wisdom, asked for a message and randomly opened it. 

My eyes immediately fell on these words: 

"Call pain a pleasure, and the pain behind the pleasure will be felt no more."

As I read and reread the words, I felt something shift inside of me. I realised that I don't need to be genuinely happy about paying those bills or taxes, I just need to find a way to make my peace with them, for my benefit.

Peace is sometimes more important that resisting just to have the moral high ground. Like they say - do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? 

Peace is the way through this block - not anger, not self righteousness, and heck not even gratitude! 

The answer here is to reframe the whole picture, so you can reach a place where it no longer bothers you. Stop calling it unfair or unpleasant and it won't hurt so much. You may be right that it is unfair or unpleasant, but you don't have to stay in that place where you believe it. Tell your mind something else, create a new narrative, reframe it and change how you feel.

The way to do this is to begin with just being ok with it, accepting it's just something you have to do right now, in this incarnation. Make it no big deal.

From there, you can move to calm, acceptance and peace.  

At some point you may even be able to reach a point of higher spiritual understanding, and be able to move into gratitude for the lesson, where it genuinely becomes a pleasure too!

I think the key point that I want to address here is that there is a way to get through all money blocks, no matter how impossible it might seem on the face of it. 

You may be completely right that the money you are being asked or demanded to pay is unfair, excessive or even downright morally wrong, but just because you're right doesn't mean you have to stay in that place of anger, annoyance, resistance. What you resist persists so that can only ever become a vicious cycle.

From a manifesting point of view, the secret is to accept that there is nothing you can do about it, and find a way to reframe it so you can be ok with that. You literally turn the pain into pleasure by calling it by a new name. Instead of calling it "unfair," call it "not a big deal" and that's what it will become.

Furthermore, once you're able to move into a better energy about the whole situation, and thus about money, the universe is going to make sure that you have enough money to pay for the bill or tax in question, and more! Why would you even worry about it? It doesn't matter! It's only a bit of money, and the universe has infinitely deep pockets. 

Peace is the way through from pain to pleasure, and the answer to many battles. 

A battle of wills ends when we decide to end it - with peace. 
