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I need them to give me closure!

I need them to give me closure!

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 24th Mar 2021

The theme of closure is very noticeable in the collective energy right now. Many people seem to be waiting for an ex partner, former spouse or friend to forgive them, to provide an explanation or give them some input that they feel will enable them to move on in life, leave the past in the past, and finally get closure.

This seems like a good idea on the face of it, but the problem is that it can be very disempowering because you're effectively giving an element of power, of control over your life to another person. 

Yes, you might want to know if the person forgives you, or wants you to forgive them, and yes you may want that explanation or apology, but depending on the circumstances, you may not ever get it. 

And supposing they refused to forgive you or you didn't like their explanation? What then?

The real issue here is that by insisting that we need an apology, an explanation or forgiveness before we are able to move on is effectively abdicating our power and responsibility to ourselves. It's disempowering, and unhelpful to everyone involved. It puts pressure on the other person which they may not want or accept, and it can leave you stuck for an extended period on your life when you could be focussing on new things and on feeling happy.

I was wondering where this mindset came from, and I feel at least in part this is our collective karma of not feeling empowered to make our own life decisions and feeling the need to wait permission from another person or authority figure before proceeding. It puts conditions on your life that other people are responsible for.

On the larger scale, this energy plays out in the form of controlling governments, difficult employers and restrictive authorities and families - all traits belonging to the old energy we are moving out of. The old energy of the Age of Pisces was one of restriction, disempowerment, systems of control, strict patriarchal hierarchies and a lack of freedom - all traits that you'd associate with a negative or unbalanced masculine energy.

This is not the energy we are moving into, which is one of freedom, self responsibility, empowerment and choice.

Old habits die hard though, and many of us still find ourselves imposing unnecessary restrictions in our own lives, which actively stop us moving forwards or making life-affirming choices, while we point fingers and blame somebody else for our own decision!

If you decide that you need somebody's forgiveness to move forwards, that is your decision.

If you decide that you need an explanation from an ex partner before you can let go, that you also your decision.

You actually hold the key to your own freedom - it's your choice to move forwards without the other person's input or permission. Waiting for somebody else to do or say something, is giving them power over your future, which makes no sense at all in the grander scheme of things. As time moves forward taking us ever further into the energy of the new age, more of us will realise this, and it will become an easier task for everyone.

You can choose to give yourself closure, you can work with a counsellor or talk to a trusted friend and find a way to make your peace with the situation without the other party being involved at all. It's not about being selfish, it's about taking self-responsibility.

You are allowed to give yourself permission to move on. 

You are a sovereign being. 

You and you alone are in charge of your life & what goes on inside of you.

You have the power to give yourself closure.

Now isn't that empowering?
