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First 111 portal of 2022 - Energy Update & Reading - 111 - 222 - 369

First 111 portal of 2022 - Energy Update & Reading - 111 - 222 - 369

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 11th Jan 2022

Welcome to the first 111 portal of 2022! Master numbers 111 - 222 & 369 are influencing us today! Let's take a closer look at today's energy and numerology and what it means for each one of us.

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Today’s date, 11/01/2022 or 11th January 2022 is really interesting one because looking at the numerology here we have 111 222 which is 3 and 6 and then adds up to 9, so we a 3 6 9 combination too – that makes for some very powerful number combinations, and let’s not forget the two zeros in the mix too!

I was guided to make a quick video for you today about this energy.

If you remember from this week’s weekly forecast, the energy today is about stepping back and focussing on your wellbeing and I want to add another layer here, another dimension which is the spiritual aspect of yourself.

I feel there is a strong potential to build a new way of life, a new lifestyle that may be shown to you for the first time today, or maybe you’ll be reminded of some changes you wanted to make.

Having the master numbers 111, 222 and 369 all together speak to me of higher wisdom, higher heart and the possibility to create quite quickly in a divine way. So it may feel as though you are working with some sort of divine plan, or have access to your soul plan and your higher wisdom is coming through quite strongly today.

That can certainly make for a confusing day if you are at work trying to use your conscious mind, your ego mind which is the one that normally rules the roost for most people, and your higher mind suddenly comes in and say – yes but, what about this....

The two zeros we have also bring a possibility for unlimited potential and they are right in the middle of the number sequence making it possible to balance opposites today if we choose to do so, but we will really have to think outside of the box with the higher mind.

It feels like this day is an important one where you can connect very strongly with higher aspects of yourself or receive wisdom and guidance from those higher aspects, so try to spend a little time this evening in meditation or contemplation because that portal is facilitating some inspiration and ideas from a much higher aspect of each one of us.

I’ve pulled a couple of cards for us here too, to help expand on the spiritual potential today and we have 34. Soul Mating and 41. Soul Song – this is a very strong indicator to me that your soul, your higher wisdom, higher self really want to take the lead now and help you find your next steps on your path. They want to make it easier for you, they want to lighten the load.

The question is – will you let them? The choice, as always, is yours right now!

The potential is there in the energy, if you were in any doubt, this is your confirmation that now is the moment
