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Equinox Reading 20th March 2022 | Spiritual Guidance

Equinox Reading 20th March 2022 | Spiritual Guidance

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 19th Mar 2022

Your spiritual guidance reading for this equinox 20th March 2022.

This collective reading will give you a more in depth look at the spiritual messages, wisdom and energy update for March 20th 2022.

Watch now on YouTube or Odysee

Watch or read the transcript:

 I wanted to go a little deeper into today’s energy and bring you this spiritual guidance reading, because it’s an important day where we will see some changes and shifts start to manifest after Friday’s full moon and the 3 way timeline split there.

Let’s take a look at our first three cards – There is a very real and deep message here about our spirit path both on an individual and collective level.

Please pay attention to your spirituality and what you are drawn to. If you don’t have any sort of spiritual practise or you have set spirituality aside in favour of science, then you may want to think again. Science is very useful, but it doesn’t need to compete with spirituality. That seems ludicrous to me – it definitely can come into conflict with religious dogma, but that’s a whole other conversation. To think that you cannot be spiritual and scientific in your thinking is just plain silly.

There are deeper powers at work right now which are helping to raise the vibration of humanity, and they ask that you remember to incorporate the sacred into your every day routine, in whatever way you wish to. Without acknowledging that you are actually a spiritual being having a human experience, life can be dull, meaningless and lacking the knowledge of a huge part of you waiting to be discovered and tapped into.

If you feel drawn to develop your psychic or healing abilities, then heed that call because we need more healers in the world right now.

I feel this equinox many people will be waking up to their psychic abilities too – we all have them, without exception, but most of us are not taught how to recognise or utilise them which I believe is short sighted. As a result some of us may be ashamed of those abilities or fear them – which makes about as much sense to me as being afraid of your left arm. It’s a part of you!

Next three cards

There are deep and powerful messages of wisdom coming through from all our ancestors this equinox – whichever country you are from or continent you originate from doens’t matter – our collective ancestors are showing us the way now, reminding us that human beings are a part of the natural world, we belong here and we have a place here. We have been very misguided as to what that place is and how we fit in. We have been encouraged to leave empathy and kindness behind and to take from the earth while never giving anything back – we use poisons, toxins and other harmful substances on mother earth and on our own bodies. And this needs to stop.

It is time for us all to remember our natural an innate healing ability, our ability to communicate without spoken words and our connection to each other, to every other person and being on earth and to the divine.

We are all one, and we will start to see it so much more clearly over the next 9 months.

So again, and I feel like a broken record here – please do spend time in nature, commune with the nature spirits and the ancestors of the lands. They are here to hold you and guide you forwards.

This is not an easy time on humanity’s path, but it is a very important one.

Sending you all peace and blessings for this Ostara, spring equinox, or autumn equinox if you are listening in the southern hemisphere. 


If you need a personal message for the equinox, pick a card from the Angel Wings Oracle here
