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Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 5th Nov 2020

As the UK is plunged into a second lockdown and the United States seem on the brink of civil unrest due to the presidential elections, I just wanted to take a moment today to remind everyone that there are actually much bigger things at stake right now. 

Certainly the events going on around us may seem important, but unfortunately they are only symptoms of a much bigger problem that we are facing as a species and as a world.

As I talked about in episode 1 of my podcast 'Holding The Vision' it's more important than ever before that we not lose sight of the bigger picture.

As spiritual workers, empaths, healers, intuitives, star seeds - whatever you call yourself, it's crucial right now that we not allow ourselves to be distracted by the smoke & mirrors, by the frankly pantomime-esque debacles taking place on an almost daily basis.

Dark and powerful forces are trying to make changes to our very existence, and this is playing out on all levels. Nothing is quite as it seems and the "good guys" & "bad guys" presented to us that the public seems to ready and willing to yell at, demonise or idolise are little more than players on a stage.

I need to tell you that there is something far more nefarious going on behind the curtain, and that's where we should be looking rather than booing, hissing and shouting "he's behind you!" 

Where's Toto when you need him to pull back the curtain and reveal the funny little old man operating the machinery and terrorising the population?! 


The parallels with the Wizard of Oz story are rather noticeable right now with heart, brains and courage seemingly lacking in so many! And unfortunately the fear and confusion are causing people to turn on each other.


Rather than condemning those whose actions or opinions you don't agree with, it's vital right now that we continue to stay in an energy of faith and look beyond our petty differences. 

The outside world reflects out inner world, not the other way around. So if we want to change the very fabric of our society, the changes must come from within first.

Practicing genuine kindness, compassion and empathy towards others is not only important, but necessary to bring about the world that we all truly want. The kind world where we can live in peace, harmony and contentment. 

And for the record, yelling at somebody because you don't like their political choices is not kindness, no matter how well intentioned you believe your actions to be.

I find myself reminding people a lot this year that the end does not and will never justify the means, and that if we continue to support the current political systems based on control, force and coercion, we will stay stuck in the Third Dimensions energies that we so desperately need to escape from.

There's nothing spiritual about trying to rig an election using magical spells, prayer or other means. That pulls us right back down into the energetic mire that the dark forces behind the metaphorical curtain want us stuck in; bickering amongst ourselves, pushing and pulling like children, while they enslave us for all eternity.


So I will repeat the message from my podcast which is that we must hold the positive vision of the peaceful future we want to achieve. We must look far beyond the current fuss and nonsense and become visionaries. 

We can manifest a better world by holding the vision of peace, kindness, compassion and staying in those energies as much as possible too.

Fellow spiritual workers, we must walk our talk right now and support the light beings that are helping us through this period, and trying to push us towards the freedom & joy of the Golden Age that will be upon us soon.

The dark forces are manipulating us into feeling terrible things right now. These low energies of anxiety, despair, fear, anger, hatred will just pull our vibration down and make it impossible for us to manifest a better future - quite the reverse in fact. We will manifest our own demise if we don't become aware and intentional. 

We must stay in an energy and mindset of unwavering faith that better is to come, no matter what is thrown at us, no matter what suffering we endure. 

If you need some help with this, I do recommend checking out my book Dream Bigger - How the Law of Attraction Really Works which will help you understand the concepts I'm outlining here, and provide more information about how to stay in the vibration or energy of what you want.

We all have a responsibility to ensure our future, and we are far from powerless despite what you may think.

Our ascension as a species has been foretold, but it will require radical honesty, self reflection and a humble attitude to ensure that we get there.

The dark forces that are hiding behind the metaphorical curtain are not as strong as you may think, and we absolutely can overcome their control and manipulation if we choose to work together.

It's in your hands now - the truth is, it always was. We do not need to look outside of ourselves for a hero, a leader, an idol or a messiah to come and save us. Everything we need is already within us, we just need to learn to use that incredible potency to manifest our collective future in the loving image we truly desire.

To paraphrase Glinda, the Good Witch of the North;

"You don't need to be helped any longer! You've always had the power, you just had to learn it for yourself."
