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4th April 2022 Numerology Reading | 4/4 Portal

4th April 2022 Numerology Reading | 4/4 Portal

Posted by Helen Crosbie on 2nd Apr 2022

Your esoteric numerology reading for the 4/4 portal, 4th April 2022. This reading for the collective will look at the energy of April 4th and give us an energy update for the year. Learn how you can leverage the energy from this day to bring about positive change on the long term!

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Watch or read the transcript below:

Hello and welcome to this 4-4-2-2-2 numerology reading for 4th April 2022.

Today’s energy is quite a stable one that brings the possibility for growth on a soul level and in some very practical ways too. The energy is beautiful and has the potential for harmonising and bringing ideas into reality in practical and joyful ways which will last.

This is day number 4 of month number 4 so right off the bat we have some very stable and grounded energy that talks of laying new foundations, understanding the need for effort and work and not shying away from what needs to be done.

Adding those two together brings us to 8 which is all about keeping going, endurance and also success on the longer term.

I feel very strongly that today’s energy is very potent for working on or fleshing out longer term projects. If you have an idea, begin to implement it in today’s energy or meditate on how to lay that first stone to take that first step in the direction of your goals and dreams, because the energy is all about working towards long term success. It’s an energy of slow and steady winds the race, and a reminder that you are not a failure if you can’t do something first time, or if you don’t succeed at something quickly. It’s about sticking with something that you love and creating, growing and developing it towards a beautiful and well earned outcome of abundance.

Now looking at the energy of this year, we are in 2022, so that is 222 energy which is also 6 energy so brings in a real need for balance within the heart mind, and soul, but particularly the heart. It’s all about emotions this year, and don’t we know it! This is a very emotional decade as I’ve said many times before and the heart wants what the heart wants.

This 4/4 portal brings us the opportunity to actually bring it to life, to start the creation process, and begin building.

When we take all the numbers together from today’s date we have 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 which give us 14.

14/5 is a number of balance and wisdom, but it’s a measured balance, it’s a gentle energy that whispers in our ear and helps us to find calm in our busy minds, and teaches us how to blend the opposite of life, how to find that alchemical mix that makes for true balance and peace.

This is a great day for studying and learning about how to create success, abundance, joy or peace on the longer term! This could be in the form of reading text books, or spending time in meditation, contemplation prayer or other spiritual practise. Not all wisdom and guidance comes from the written word. Some will be coming from the heart today, and from your higher wisdom and guides so take some time out to listen if you can.
