5 Spiritual Tips for a Better 2021
Posted by Helen Crosbie on 31st Dec 2020
2020 may be over now, but the challenges that we face still remain.
It may feel nice to symbolically draw a line under the year 2020 and look to 2021 with optimism, but it would be naïve to think that all our troubles and challenges will disappear like Cinderella's coachmen at the strike of midnight on 31st December.
2021 will also pose us unique and perhaps unforeseen obstacles that we must come together as a human race to overcome - and overcome we will. Yes, I am confident that no matter how difficult the current karmic lessons we face, we will get through this on our own.
Our spiritual growth is key to our survival and will be more obviously linked to our wellbeing as we move into 2021.
The dark powers that have held a tight grip on our planet for thousands of years are starting to slip, the veil is being lifted, and more and more people are realising that there is far more to this world than they ever thought possible, and on every conceivable level.
Despite the fact that we may feel isolated or alone in our struggle, there are some very simple things that we can do to help ourselves to not only feel better but to improve our collective destiny too.
I've listed five of the things that I feel will do the most good, and have the biggest positive impact. Try to incorporate these things into your daily life if possible, and watch as your life starts to unfold in better and more empowered ways.
1. Meditate
Meditation is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. As spiritual beings having a human experience, meditation reminds us of our connection to the divine. We are all aspects of the divine expressing itself in individual ways, and this creates a feeling of being separate and perhaps alone too. Meditation helps to bring back the feelings of connectedness to all other beings, to the divine, to nature and to the entire universe. It helps to open us back up to spiritual energies that we forgot were a part of us, and enables us to blossom in our spiritual growth.
Spiritual growth is crucial for us as a species right now, and it is remembering our divine nature that will ultimately save us from destruction.
Meditation doesn't have to be hard, but like anything it takes practise. I often hear that people have tried it but "couldn't do it" but I have good news. You probably were doing it, but it didn't look exactly like you were expecting. And yes the mind is always there ready to jump in and try to distract you, so let it! As you learn to become the observer of your thoughts rather than fully identified with them, this wont bother you so much anyway.
2. Watch Your Thoughts
You have a mind that thinks lots of very important seeming thoughts. But it isn't you. You have a mind, but you are not the mind. I think one of the biggest misunderstandings of the human being is to believe that thinking makes you who you are.
You don't identify with your computer. You may have a computer, but you know it isn't you. It may be very clever and order you around, remind you of appointments and facilitate some of your life, but that doesn't make it you, and it doesn't rule you. The same goes for your mind.
Eckhart Tolle explains this concept exceptionally well in his book The Power of Now which I highly recommend you put on your reading list this year.
Becoming the observer of your mind is the key here, rather than letting it rule your life like the tiny, noisy tyrant that it has a tendency to become.
3. Learn to Consciously Create Your Reality
We each have the power to manifest our reality, but most of us don't know just how powerful we truly are in our natural, divine state. Once you stop identifying with your mind, this task becomes easier, but that doesn't mean that you can't begin to manifest better things right now.
Human beings are incredibly powerful manifestors, which is why the dark powers that have attempted to control us for so long have become expert at harnessing our own ability to use against us. We are programmed by culture, by societal "rules," by education systems and by television, film and media - it's called television programming for a reason, that's no coincidence.
The way we manifest is with our thoughts, beliefs, and these create strong emotional reactions which in turn send specific and repetitive messages to the universe. The Law of Attraction then responds by sending us whatever corresponds to those thoughts, beliefs and feelings - no matter how much we may not want that.
When we break free from being manipulated in such a way, we become far more able to create our reality in a positive and loving image, which is our true nature.
For help with this, refer to my book Dream Bigger: How the Law of Attraction Really Works available on Amazon Kindle or as a pdf from angelwingsholistics.com
4. Pay Attention to the Sacred in Every Day
As you spend time in meditation, becoming the master of your mind and improving your ability to truly see the world as it is, you may start to automatically notice that everything in creation is sacred - and that includes you.
When I had my enlightenment experience earlier in 2020, I felt a deep and blissful connection to everyone and everything. it was a glimpse of our natural divine state of loving oneness.
It's very difficult to describe because it's something that really needs to be experienced to fully understood, but we can get closer to our own enlightened nature by taking the time to remember that everything and everyone around us is sacred, and that everything and everyone is an aspect of the same divine energy as our source, or what you might call God.
As you make an effort to notice small, special, although seemingly ordinary sacred moments in each day, and to appreciate the miracle of life whether it's in another person or a tiny leaf unfurling on a frosty morning, you will find more to see.
The sacred is all around us at all times because it is us, and it is everything. When we can remember this, it helps us to put anger, blame, violence or unkindness to one side and truly work toward our highest good.
5. Love
Finally and perhaps most importantly, love. Love is the bottom line because it's the truth of what we are.
It's no coincidence that love is what drives us, heals us and fulfils us. And I don't just mean lust or the love energies we experience in romantic relationships, although they do have their part in the sacred tapestry of life.
We must find a way to make love our religion - to make love our spiritual practise.
When we make an effort to truly live with love, compassion and kindness, the world will transform around us - not just for others but for ourselves too.
Find a way to bring love into your daily life, into everything you do. Do everything with love, with reverence for life, with genuine compassion for all others, including and perhaps especially people who aren't very kind or compassionate to you.
When faced with genuine love, anger, resentment and hostility in others can fall away and we open the door to real divine connection, and the possibility that we can exist in a higher, more loving vibration.
Human beings are not the problem, nor are we the cause of the world's ills. We are actually the solution! But we must intentionally choose love to fully realise that and bring ourselves up to the higher level of consciousness that is not only our birth-right, but our ultimate destiny as a species.
We do not exist to be destroyed or made sub-human and merged with technology. This lifetime exists to allow us the opportunity to transcend this reality on our own, and reclaim our place in a higher plane of existence in peace and in full knowledge of our blissful perfection.