What if Consistency isn't Key?
Posted by Helen Crosbie on 16th Aug 2020
When you have your own business, work self employed or want to progress with any project, the conventional wisdom tells us that it's crucial to be consistent, show up every day and make sure we are always repeating the same, necessary actions. Right?
I always believed that too, but struggled to be consistent, to show up and carry out the same actions over a long period of time. As a result, I spent many years berating myself and feeling somehow less than, or inadequate because I just couldn't do what I thought I was supposed to be able to.
I've walked away from jobs because the structure and strict framework just didn't suit me, and try as I might I just couldn't do the same boring, uninspiring things day after day.
Systems are great in business, but I realised recently that if you are expecting or requiring a human being to be a robot, you are inevitably going to end up disappointed.
Humans, and especially women, are not by our very nature particularly consistent!
We ebb and flow with the moon cycles, we may be inspired one day and down the next.
I don't see anything wrong with this, it is what it is - so why do we put expectations on ourselves that don't fit who we are?
I've been considering this over the past few months, and it dawned on me that the old, heavy, Iron Age energy we are coming out of, treated us like that. It put us into rigid structures, systems and routines that didn't serve or suit our ephemeral natures.
One might argue that it enabled great progress, but I look at the so-called modern world and I wonder whether it was really worth the terrible price we paid for it - unhappiness, a disconnect with nature and with our true selves, dog eat dog ethics, taking advantage of others, destruction of the eco-system and the rape and pillage our beloved, life giving planet?
I have to conclude that while the logic behind the systems and structures we imposed on ourselves seemed sound at the time, we were only ever really coming from the mind and for the most part we forgot about the heart and soul.
The mind can be a very useful tool, but like the proverbial fire, it is a terrible master.
Mind has a habit of pushing in and taking over - it thinks it's very important and clever, and if we bow to it and give it a priority over the voice of our heart and the wisdom of our soul, then we are going to find ourselves in trouble pretty quickly.
As we move ever closer to a new Golden Age, albeit still hundreds of years away, I can see that many are taking a step back from the old 'mind wisdom' and taking a fresh look at things.
Maybe it's time we remembered that we are not cogs in a machine, but complex and many faceted beings that long for fulfillment, meaning and beauty.
We ARE inconsistent beings, and that is one of our strengths!
We are able to change, evolve, shift, rethink and dream beyond what is put in front of us - what robot can genuinely do that?
Maybe it's time to celebrate our flow, enjoy the ups and downs of our beings and get back to our true nature which is creative, loving and kind - and often inconsistent!
I'm going to suggest we leave the consistency to the computers and robots - they do it far better than us anyway - and create a new way to be, to create, and to take care of each other.
The shackles of consistency cast off like the iron chains of the freed slave.
Let us build a new world, a new empathy economy, together.